
Test Apps and Websites

Today’s technology has opened up possibilities for new customer experiences. But digital businesses need people to test out all aspects of their product. It’s embarrassing for a company when a customer finds a bug in their software, so they’ll pay you money to test it and make sure it’s running smoothly before that happens. Think about these testing websites like focus groups, but for apps.

It’s pretty simple to join either Tester Work or User Testing, and there are probably other sites like this out there as well. All you need is access to a computer and possibly a smartphone, and you’re in business. This is a great option to do on your downtime. You’ll be able to experience some cool new apps before the general market does. And, if anyone complains that you’re on your phone too often, you can say it’s for work. The simplicity of this hustle is why it made it on our Side Hustle Master List.


Test apps and websites




Easy to do on any device, from any location.


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Capital Required

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skill required

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time required

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return potential

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The fine print

The two sites work a little differently, and one might be better than the other for your situation. Tester Work is all about reporting bugs. So you’ll get an assignment, go to the app or website, work through it and report any bugs you find. They pay per bug or per assignment on certain occasions, so the pay can vary quite a bit. User Testing is similar, but it’s more about the customer experience. They pay you to make a 20-minute video while you use the website or app and explain your thoughts out loud. These can be things related to the website’s ease of use, clarity, functions, or bugs.

Neither website requires you to do the job at a specific time, though there will be a window of time in which to do it. Here are some useful links for learning more about this side hustle:

Useful Resources:

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