
Renting with AirBnb

Holidays have gotten a whole lot easier with the advent of Airbnb. Simply work out where you want to go and start searching for accommodation for rent that suits your needs and…voila. A great property for a great price and everyone is happy.

But what happens when you are on the flip side of this negotiation? Are you looking at renting out your home while you go on holidays yourself?  Perhaps you are looking at renting out a room in your home while you are living there?  It can be a fruitful side hustle if done correctly, which is why is made our Master Side Hustle List.



Renting with AirBnB


Real Estate


Requires real estate ownership, a willingness to take on house guests and everything that comes with that, including AirBnb taking a cut!


lowhighside hustle meter

Capital Required

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skill required

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time required

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return potential

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Founded in 2008, Airbnb exists to create a world where anyone can belong anywhere, providing healthy travel that is local, authentic, diverse, inclusive and sustainable. Airbnb uniquely leverages technology to economically empower millions of people around the world to unlock and monetize their spaces, passions and talents to become hospitality entrepreneurs.

Airbnb’s accommodation marketplace provides access to 6+ million unique places to stay in more than 81,000 cities and 191 countries. With Experiences, Airbnb offers access to local communities and interests through 25,000+ unique, handcrafted activities run by hosts across 1,000+ markets around the world. Airbnb’s people-to-people platform benefits all its stakeholders, including hosts, guests, employees and the communities in which it operates.

Useful Resources

Rent Out Your Belongings




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