
Interior Design Consultant

If you can get it down, consulting can be one of the most lucrative business models. This is because you don’t’ have any overhead costs like a showroom or merchandise to buy. As an interior design consultant, you can spend your client’s money for a fee and give them a happy place to live (or sell).

Working as an interior design consultant would be best for someone who has a creative eye and studied some type of design in college. Sometimes, clients or real estate firms like to see that you have a design degree. But it all depends on what area you’re in and what the other designers offer. Doing interior design with a family can be a rewarding experience, and you get to walk away knowing that you made them happy. Even though people can choose their own decor, an interior designer often takes the stress out of the project. We chose this for our Side Hustle Master List because it’s pretty simple to start up.


Interior Design Consult


Business Services


Advertise services online, most likely requires in person visits.


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Capital Required

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skill required

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time required

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return potential

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The Fine Print

As a freelance interior designer, you’ll be working with families and other businesses. People like to see what you’re envisioning, though, so you might have to put in some money to buy interior modeling programs. Businesses that use interior designers include house flippers and real estate offices, as well as local businesses that would want their own space designed. Fees in this industry can be very lucrative. You can make anywhere from $50 to $200 per hour on consultation, but that’s not all. Most interior designers get furniture and household items at wholesale pricing but charge their clients full price. It’s a hustle, and this is actually common practice in the industry. Check out the links below for more information on being a freelance interior design consultant.

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