
Launch a Subscription Box Service

You’ve undoubtedly noticed the proliferation of subscription services in the last few years. You can get everything including razors, shoes, candy and hair products by subscription now. It used to be that subscribing was limited to magazines, but today you can pretty much get anything you need delivered on a monthly schedule right to your door, through a subscription box.

They draw people in through their marketing and their like-ability. They rely on their design and aesthetic to create the feeling of being in a club. What’s inside the box might not be anything too special, but the story around the subscription adds value. Starting a subscription box is a great way to earn extra cash. You don’t need to pay for a physical office space since you should be able to do everything yourself at the beginning. And, you can design your subscription around what you’re passionate about. This hustle is on our Side Hustle Master List because it’s doable right from home.


Launch subscription box service


Business Services


Can sell through an established company.


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Capital Required

lowhighside hustle meter

skill required

lowhighside hustle meter

time required

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return potential

lowhighside hustle meter

Don’t skip the research

You’ll need to do some research and develop your unique subscription. Search around and see if anyone is doing anything similar. If they are, see if you can come at it from a different angle or at a lower price. To be successful, you need to charge enough to offset all your costs, and you need to gain enough subscribers. Find out the number of subscribers you’d need to make it profitable and try to get there as fast as you can. Some more things to consider: Who are your customers? What issue or problem does your subscription solve? How will you get new subscribers? What’s the cost to you per-box? What are your monthly costs (marketing, website)? These are just a few things to consider, and you can find more information below.

Useful Resources:

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