
Groom Dogs

The side hustle of dog grooming rounds out our section on animals. This is another one that is fun for animal lovers. But it doesn’t take as much commitment as training dogs, nor does it require as much responsibility as walking or caring for another person’s animals. People love it when their dogs smell nice and have a great haircut, but many people are too busy to make this happen. Outdoor dogs will also love getting a bath and getting groomed because it means their owners might let them inside and sleep on the bed for a change.

You can start your own business providing dog grooming services and focus on breeds that you feel comfortable with. These could be breeds with shorter hair or breeds that are easy to work with. Even as you gain more experience in this field, you can still keep the specialization you started with. It’s a great selling point for many people to find a groomer that specializes in their dog’s particular breed. With another opportunity like this that combines work and dogs, how can we not include it on our Side Hustle Master List?


Groom Dogs


Pet Businesses


More experienced groomers will earn more


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Capital Required

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skill required

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time required

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return potential

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Costs of starting a grooming service

If you’re considering this as a side hustle, there are a couple of things that you should be aware of. Groomers usually spend about an hour just on the dog bath. They use different shampoos and conditioners and even do facial masks for the dogs. The type of haircut you give to a dog depends on their breed and what their fur is meant to do. Make sure you know if you are allowed to cut certain fluffy poofs of hair or if it’s best to leave it alone. You also need to you now that grooming equipment can be expensive.

If you’re just grooming a few friends dogs, you can get away with single here pair of shears. But for professional operation, expect to purchase at least five pairs at $200 to $400 each. It can add up but it’s worth it. See the links below for more information on this rewarding side hustle.

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